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ChriBible classes offered at Green Valley Church of Christ

We are always striving to learn more and educate others about the Bible, Jesus, God and his plan for salvation. The following are the current set of classes that we are offering. Along with these we also offer one on one bible study and small group study. 

For pre-school children and infants we offer a cry room / nursery with window into the main auditorium and sound for worship service use or teaching with activities.

Yellow Flowers with a blue sky background

Sunday Morning Adults

9:00 am Main Auditorium

This is a bible based study and handouts may be provided depending on the subject.

The subject matter is primarily intended for adults, however advanced teens may want to attend as well.

White flower with a blue sky background

Sunday Morning Children

9:00 am Front Classroom

In this class we teach the younger, K-4 children, bible lessons and stories.

This is a great class for children as it prepares them with the basics of the bible. Memory verses, activities, singing and games are used to teach the bible.

White flower with a blue sky background

Sunday Morning Teens

9:00 am Back Classroom

The class is looking to provide a more thought provoking class that will help teens in their day to day lives as well as furthering their knowledge of the Bible. The teen class will require basic knowledge of the bible including knowing the books of the bible and the apostles.

Yellow Flowers with a blue sky background
Wednesday Bible Study

6:00 pm Via Zoom

The midweek bible study focuses on specific subjects or books of the bible. Each subject is usually spread over a few weeks.​

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